take good photos of yourself

How To Take Good Pictures of Yourself (5 Step Guide)

4 Oct 2022 How-to Guides

So you want to take a good picture of yourself. Maybe you need a photo ID or passport or just want to update your social media profile pictures. There are many tricks to taking a good selfie, including the art of “pre-shooting” your selfie before you take it.

This guide will give you some helpful steps and hints for taking a good picture of yourself. We are also going to answer the following questions:

  • What you need to know about how to take good pictures of yourself
  • Supplies you’ll need to take good pictures of yourself

Read on to find out how to make your pictures come out just the way you want.

What You Need To Know About How To Take Good Pictures of Yourself

The camera you’re using will be the main determining factor in how well you can take a picture of yourself. This means that if you attempt to take a selfie with your cell phone, you will have many limitations.

A smartphone camera can only take pictures of a maximum of 8 megapixels. A camera that can take better pictures can use up to 40 or 50 megapixels. On top of this, the higher you go with the megapixels, the more expensive your camera will be.

The quality of the image you take will depend upon a few factors you can control. These include the following:

Practice Natural Poses

Rather than simply snapping a picture of yourself, try to practice poses that would be natural for you. Practice taking pictures of yourself in a natural setting. Don’t try to be a contortionist when taking your photos.

All you need to do is stand up straight, smile, and hold your camera/phone straight ahead. This will ensure that your photos are clear and sharp.

Don’t Hold The Camera Close

Holding the camera too close to your face will cause you to look like a close-up photo while not letting enough light penetrate through, making the image darker and less blurry. Better to keep your head away from the camera so that the face is not blurred and unnatural.

This means taking multiple shots at different distances from your face until you get one that is right for you.

Test All of Your Angles

Unless there is something specific you want to show, such as your hands or eyes, try taking pictures from all your angles to get the best ones that are right for you.

For example, you can take pictures in different ways, such as looking downward, to the side, or even straight ahead. This will help you get the best angles for yourself.

Try Different Backgrounds

The background of your picture can often make or break it. You can have a perfectly good picture with the wrong background or vice versa.

Try to pick a simple background that is not distracting to you. If you have time, try taking pictures in different backgrounds so that you have some variety to choose from for your final selfie.

Find Your Lighting

Depending upon the lighting in your surroundings, you may find that taking a picture of a darker or lighter image proves to be easier for you.

Situating yourself where there is better lighting (such as near a window) can help make your picture look brighter and not so dark. You can also use this to your advantage to create shadows on certain body parts, such as eyes or cheeks, if you are trying to create an artistic effect.

Perfect Your Composition

Your picture’s composition is everything you see in the frame when the photo is snapped. The proper composition will make your selfie look less skewed, not distorted, and show only what you want to emphasize.

Play With the Settings on Your Camera

If your camera has a few different settings that can be altered, you should try them all out to see which ones look best. While some may make small changes in the pictures, others may change everything.

There is always a setting that will achieve the best result for your selfie, so keep trying until you find it.

Put Finishing Edits on Your Photos

While there are many tools you can use to edit your picture to make it look a little better, there are also some quick and easy finishing touches you can do. For example, crop it off if there is extra space on the sides of your picture.

If there is something in the background that will distract your selfie, remove it by cloning or cutting out the image.

By making these changes to your picture, you can ensure that what people see is how you want them to see it.

how to take good selfies

What Will You Need to Take Good Pictures of Yourself

Below are some helpful supplies you should have when taking pictures of yourself:


This is one of the most important parts when it comes to taking a good selfie. The light must be high quality, consistent and flattering. You might also want to avoid taking selfies in the middle of the day because the light will be too harsh and can cause your face to look washed out.


As with any other photo, the composition is also important for a selfie. The goal of a selfie is different from that of other photos, though. With a selfie, you have to make yourself look good instead of making something in your picture look good.

So you must frame yourself in the photo properly by using things such as mirrors and sometimes even by asking someone else for help or using their body or face as a frame for yours.

A Tripod

You will have a much better chance of getting the right camera settings by taking your pictures with a tripod.

This is true because the camera will be steadier, and you can be more deliberate and careful in making sure your angle, movement, and more all look exactly how you want them to. The better the quality of your camera, the more efficient it will be by using a tripod.

A Wireless Remote

A wireless remote will allow you to take pictures or videos of yourself without touching the camera. This is important because shaking or movement can cause blurry pictures and make it hard to keep your composure while taking the photo.


There should be a reason why you are taking a selfie. For example, you might want to take a picture of yourself to use as a profile picture on social media. You might also want to use it for something like a passport or identification card. Whatever the case, always have a purpose in mind before you start taking selfies.


Yet another important thing that you should know is what camera you will use to take your photo. If you are taking a selfie using your mobile phone there are some things to know. You might have to turn the flash off and ensure the screen is not too bright. Avoid taking photos while holding your phone at arm’s length because it makes the picture blurry and unflattering.


The location where you take your selfie is also very important. It should be a place where you are comfortable and one that makes you feel good. It doesn’t have to be an expensive background or anything like that, but it has to make you look good.

Note: If you want to try different backgrounds, then you need a lighted backdrop so that they will be brighter than usual in the picture.


This is the technique that most people don’t know about when taking a selfie, but it really makes a difference. The more practice you get with your positioning, the better pictures you will get out of it.

Editing tool

The most important thing in taking a good selfie is using an editing tool. There are many tutorials you could find online about how to crop, brighten or darken photos. With those tricks, you can adjust your photos and get them looking the way you want.

How to Take Good Pictures of Yourself (5 Steps)

Step 1: Set Up Your Camera On a Tripod

Set up your camera on a tripod, and then press the back button to focus it manually on the area where you will be standing.

Ideally,  it is best to have your back to the camera so that you can stand in the center and look at yourself from head to toe.

Step 2: Set The Time Interval

You should set the interval timer such that it takes a picture every second.  This will allow you to take a series of pictures in rapid succession to choose the best shot after you are done.

Step 3: Step in Frame

Step up in the frame and take a few pictures. You can do this from a distance or close to the camera. If you want to make a series of slight adjustments, do so. Remember that you will have a series of images to choose from later on.

Step 4: Check Whether the Camera Was Focused On You

Go back to your camera and look at the image that was captured. If it was focused on you, then proceed with taking more pictures. If not, you need to get the focus right before proceeding.

Step 5: Take Another Picture Of Yourself

Reset the interval timer and pose as your camera shutters every second or two, depending on how you set it up.

When you are done, you can go through the pictures and choose the one that you want to take as a profile picture or put on your social media account.

So there you have it!

These are the steps and suggestions for how to take your own pictures when you need a new headshot or selfie. The last thing is to try out a few different poses so that you can get one that shows off your strengths and personality. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.